Tips for Stocking a Holiday Pantry

Have you checked the calendar lately? We blinked and suddenly found ourselves with less than one week left until Thanksgiving! If you, too, feel blindsided, check out some of the quick tips and easy recipes we shared with Huffington Post for staying calm and organized this holiday season, all with a high priority on fun in mind!

Somehow, the holidays have once again snuck up on us. For a season marked by indulgence and excess, it's easy to get carried away and feel overwhelmed. But with just a bit of planning, it's entirely possible to keep a cool head during this busy time and come out relatively unscathed - with perhaps even a few dollars left in the wallet.

Here are some of Pantry Confidential's top tips to not only stocking a holiday pantry, but for truly enjoying yourself (and especially, the company of others!) in the weeks ahead.

*Photos by Christine Han Photography for Pantry Confidential. All photos on Pantry Confidential are original and copyrighted. Please credit and link back to our site when using our images, thank you.

Check out our full slideshow here!

Pantry Preview: Shino Takeda

Our next pantry shoot was so chock full of goodies, we thought we'd post a small peek to - dare we say - whet your palate! Shino is a talented friend with firm holds in both restaurant and art worlds. You can feel her fresh, fun-loving aesthetic in everything she touches, in her food and especially in the amazing handcrafted vessels that she makes herself! We can't wait to share the rest with you.

PS: Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates. Happy Friday!

*Photos by Christine Han Photography for Pantry Confidential. All photos on Pantry Confidential are original and copyrighted. Please credit and link back to our site when using our images, thank you.

Jamin Mendelsohn, Documentary/Web Producer

Jamin Mendelsohn, Documentary/Web Producer

It's important to possess certain qualities when you're responsible for leading the charge over a growing health movement. Great energy and an upbeat attitude are just two that Jamin seems to have in spades. If a loyal cheerleader's what you need, you definitely want her in your corner - whether the cause is green living, Brooklyn, or even the Mets. And that smile! If that doesn't get you pumped for life, we're not really sure what will.

Read on for Jamin's juicing essentials and her favorite vegetarian-friendly chefs!

Please tell us what you do.


I work as a documentary & web producer and my most recent project, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead," follows the stories of two men who struggle with obesity and disease, and overcome it through a plant-based lifestyle and specifically juicing! I've become an avid juicer since starting on this project three and a half years ago and have continued to explore the wide world of plant-based food. After we wrapped the movie, we launched a website to give people the information, tools and community support needed to do a Reboot (a.k.a.: juice fast) of their own. I'm now working as the community manager on this site and am inspired everyday by the incredible stories of people embracing fruits and vegetables, and making healthy choices in their own lives.

When I started on the project in March 2008, I did my first 10-day juice fast and it was that which resulted in my vegetarianism. I finished the 10 days and thought I'll just wait to eat meat until I crave it again... and here we are today, still no meat. It just kinda stuck with me!

Do the changing seasons influence your juicing choices?

I do my best to be seasonal about the produce that I eat (and drink!), and one of the things I love most about being a CSA member is that the produce I use during more than half the year is, at its core, seasonal (not to mention local and organic). In the warmer months, I am very into juice, smoothies and salads. When things begin to cool off, I still stick with juice and salads, but I trend towards blended soups and other foods that feel more nourishing in the cold.

How do you determine what makes a juice "good"?

The main factors I consider when 'evaluating' a juice are: 1) Is it green? Look, there are lots of great combinations with ingredients like beets or carrots which take on another color, but I am a purist. For me: the greener, the better; 2) Does it taste good? If a juice doesn't taste good, bottom line, I won't drink it. There are so many delicious combinations that there is no reason to have juice that you don't like. Apple and pear go a long way in green juice, as do lemon, ginger and even pineapple. And if you want to get really particular, I always prefer a hydraulically pressed juice - it maintains the most nutrients of all juicing modalities, and tastes really smooth and not pulpy.

What are some of the biggest challenges of juicing?

The biggest challenge for me is my complete and utter lack of a dishwasher. :( Cleaning all the parts of the juicer is time consuming and essential. Alas, there's just no way around it. Which is probably why I do buy a lot of juice out!

Where are your favorite places in the city to buy juices?

There are so many great juice options in NYC. When I first got into juicing, all of a sudden I happily realized juice is EVERYWHERE in this city. My favorites in Manhattan are The Juice PressOrganic Avenue and the kiosk in Union Square (Editor's note: Pretty sure this is Jus, attached to The Coffee Shop). In my own Cobble Hill, I can get pressed juice at Mandy's Healthy Cafe (and they have a frequent buyer card!).

What model is your juicer and would you recommend it?

I have the Breville Juice Fountain Plus. It's a mid-range centrifugual juicer (retails for about $150). I've been using it for three years and it's still going strong - definitely would recommend it. But there are lots of models at different price points: the Jack LalanneHamilton BeachOmega, the Norwalk, etc.

What are some tips for novice juicers?

When juicing, don't be afraid to try different combinations and experiment. I never would have suspected that fennel-cucumber-chard juice would be so delicious, but it is actually one of my all-time faves!

But man can't survive on juice alone! What are some of your favorite dishes to make at home?

In general, I like to cook vegetarian food that tastes good. I experiment with whole grains and cook a lot of veggies. Last winter I made many blended soups using an immersion blender. Butternut squash soup, acorn squash-black bean soup, tomato basil, creamless mushroom, etc. I try to combine veggies with anything I'm cooking. One of my favorite go-tos is romaine salad with spicy peanut soba noodles. I'll often roast veggies of all kinds: sweet potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, mushrooms, broccoli, etc.

I love the FRESH whole wheat pasta from Eataly. In fact, that's a really fun place to pick up gorgeous produce and fresh pasta, and you will definitely have something delicious on your hands.

Finally I make a simple tahini-citrus-dill dressing (recipe below) that I will pour over EVERYTHING - raw kale salad, grilled zucchini, tortilla chips, you name it!

Is it challenging at all to maintain a largely vegetarian lifestyle with the looming holiday season?

For me, being a vegetarian has been really straightforward; I simply don't find myself wanting meat, and so that part is easy! The biggest temptations and indulgences for me during the holiday season is probably cookies :) - yum!

Do you have a go-to dish that's sure to draw raves from guests?

I don't entertain all that often, sadly, but have made a few knockout fritattas for Sunday brunch! I also have some pretty fine baked goods recipes courtesy of my mother - the chocolate chip cookies are amazing and the sour cream chocolate chip cake definitely draws raves!

What are some of your favorite kitchen utensils or gadgets?

My Vitamix! I'm obsessed with making smoothies in it, especially the green ones. I also love my juicer, my Nespresso machine and I would not have survived winter without my immersion blender. I'm also seriously considering getting a dehydrator, I have no clue where it would live in my teeny tiny kitchen, but the idea of making my own kale and zucchini chips is pretty tempting!

Where do you shop for kitchen supplies?

I will usually pop into A Cook's Companion, my neighborhood spot in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn.

Top pantry essentials in your kitchen?

I always have a variety of whole grains (bulgur wheat, brown rice, quinoa, soba noodles) and also legumes (dried lentils and cans of organic chickpeas). From June to December, I am always fully stocked with veggies from the Cobble Hill CSA. The CSA can seem like a lot of produce for one person but when you start throwing it into a juicer, you end up making your way through it all (or most of it!).

Who are your cooking inspirations?

I learned almost all of my cooking skills from my mom, I read Smitten Kitchen food blog regularly and always pick up

Edible Brooklyn. I also really appreciate Mark Bittman's commitment to vegetarians.

Which chefs/producers do you admire?

Green Thumb Organic Farm in Bridgehampton, NY (my CSA farm!), Jean-Georges Vongerichten and Scott Conant really accommodate the vegetarians while still in a "fine dining" atmosphere. And man, that carrot salad from ABC Kitchen! Also Einat Admony, the woman behind Balaboosta and Taim - Middle Eastern food taken to great heights!

What's your favorite hole-in-the-wall you'd be willing to share?

Ted & Honey Cafe in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn: their egg sandwiches are excellent, the morning glory muffin is outstanding.

Balaboosta: a shining star in Nolita.

Grey Dog Cafe: the Chelsea outpost is less crowded and always a favorite!

Siggy's Good Food in Brooklyn Heights for healthy options.

What are your favorite cookbooks/blogs/sites?

How To Cook Everything Vegetarian's Mobile App

Edible Brooklyn magazines!)

(Editor's note: Hey, that's my blog! Didn't pay her, promise.)

Barefoot Contessa :)

What do you like to listen to while you cook?

Any album I can listen to all the way through:

AdeleAndrew BirdArcade Fire... wow, I'm still only in the A's. :) Oh and my brother's very awesome band, The Yes Way!

Whose pantry(ies) would you like to raid?

My friend Archana Rao of Love Street Cakes has an outstanding cake kitchen - so I would raid it and then ask for some lessons!

* * *

Reboot Recipe - Juice #1

Jamin's Tahini Citrus Dill Dressing

(not pictured, but great over greens and vegetables of all kinds)

Adapted from

1/3 cup well-stirred tahini
1/3 cup water
1/4 cup fresh lemon or orange juice
Lots of chopped fresh dill (or other fresh herbs)
Salt and pepper, to taste

Mix ingredients well!

Thanks for the great juicing advice and peek into your pantry! Be sure to follow Jamin on Twitter (@JaminLM) and her blog, Brooklyn Jam, for more great tips!

*Photos by Christine Han Photography for Pantry Confidential. All photos on Pantry Confidential are original and copyrighted. Please credit and link back to our site when using our images, thank you.

Robynne Maii, Chef Instructor

Robynne Maii, Chef Instructor

When we first got together with Robynne over the summer, it was pretty apparent just how passionate this girl was about her food - whether it was through the photos she shared of her recent Persian pilaf obsession, or the very patient way she handled her gorgeous apricot tart. One look at her meticulously organized cabinets (check out her freezer!) seriously had us itching to run home and clean out our own unkempt pantries. We couldn't be happier to have someone as knowledgeable and downright nice as Robynne kick off Pantry Confidential with us.

Read on for Robynne's trusted pantry items and which chefs she thinks "give a shit about their food"!

Please tell us what you do.

I teach culinary and pastry arts classes at Kingsborough Community College (CUNY). Last fall, we rolled out our new culinary arts AAS degree (we are the only school offering this degree in the New York metro area). I feel very lucky and privileged to teach with tremendous colleagues and to share my enthusiasm for all things related to cooking, eating, and experimenting different cuisines with our students.

What made you decide to go into culinary arts?

When I graduated from Middlebury College with a degree in English and modern dance, I was offered a teaching position at an all girls school in Manhattan - teaching, of all things, English and modern dance! I couldn't stop thinking about food and turned the position down and moved back to Honolulu and enrolled in the culinary program at Kapiolani Community College. It was important for me to pursue a career that I felt passionate about (I know this sounds cliche, but it's true!) and I could see myself enjoying for many years. Culinary arts is constantly evolving and there are endless things to learn. Everyday, I feel grateful for an opportunity to work with my hands and create delicious food. It's exciting and rewarding and I feel an extra responsibility to not only teach my students how to cook, but how to cook responsibly - minimal waste, good safety and sanitation, identifying quality ingredients, caring where our food is sourced, composting, recycling, and overall, becoming more involved than just putting food on a plate.

How would you describe your cooking style? Has being a Hawaiian in New York City impacted your food aesthetic at all?

I like rustic ethnic home cooking from all cultures - food made at home for either everyday cooking or for special occasions, but nothing that requires liquid nitrogen, sous vide, gums, etc. (I think molecular gastronomy is important and fascinating, but it's not how I like to cook). I mainly draw from the French and Italian repertoire - which is interesting, because I didn't grow up eating a whole lot of either cuisine.

I've been in NYC for 12 years and my palate has changed. I stopped eating white rice everyday during my first year here and have learned to love other grains - kasha, quinoa, spelt, barley, as well as pasta and couscous. I also go through phases where I'll do an intensive study of a particular cuisine. My latest obsession is Persian cuisine. No one makes pilaf like the Persians! The food is hearty, sensual, yet not overly aromatic with spices.

Moving to the East Coast has introduced me to really paying attention to eating seasonally and locally. In Hawaii, we have access to incredible tropical fruits, but I never really had great apples, pears, berries, and stone fruit until I started shopping at the Green Market. All these fruits and many vegetables are flown into Hawaii and are inevitably sub-par at best. During my visits home, I look forward to the papaya, mango, and apple bananas and likewise, when I return to NYC, I look forward to each season's offerings.

A lot of the ethnic culinary influences are Asian, yet the "local" food really has evolved into its own cuisine. It's a taste I don't find outside of Hawaii (well - perhaps in Vegas!). But, I've fallen in love with all the Mediterranean cuisines and when I go home, cook my family something new to give them a break from white rice, soy sauce, and meat. I think one of the most important things I learned from growing up in Hawaii is developing a good palate. People in Hawaii can cook! My mother and father are great cooks and I grew up eating well-seasoned home-cooked meals nearly every day. I feel that I bring this sensibility to my cooking style.

What are your favorite things to cook and eat at home with your husband?

On the weekends, we love making frittatas. I have to be careful because I can easily eat two eggs per day. We also love roasting chicken and make it about once a week. I've been experimenting with Chad Robertson's Tartine Bread book. It is brilliant and I've been baking some spectacular loaves of bread made from a natural yeast starter. We toast this bread nearly every morning for a quick breakfast. During the winter months, I make kimchee chigae pretty regularly to stave off the chill!

What's your go-to dish that's sure to draw raves from guests?

Korean-style braised short ribs (kalbi chim/beef Bourguignon hybrid) or slow-roasted leg of lamb (marinated with herbs, garlic, anchovies, lemon zest) or Zuni roast chicken and bread salad.

What are you favorite kitchen utensils or gadgets?

Kuhn Rikon Original Swiss Peeler: best peeler ever; comes in fun colors; useful for ribbon salads.

Sitram pot ware: great value and even cooking.

Top pantry essentials in your kitchen?

- Extra-virgin olive oil

- Red wine vinegar

- Kosher salt

Maldon Sea Salt

- Shoyu

- Rice wine vinegar

- Pasta

- Anchovies

- Crushed chilies

- San Marzano whole plum tomatoes

- Unbleached all-purpose flour

- Granulated sugar

Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise

Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce

- Unsalted butter

- Chilled Champagne

- Water crackers

- Large eggs

- Parmigiano-Reggiano

Who are your cooking inspirations?

- My father and mother

Claudia Roden

Richard Olney

Edna Lewis

Which chefs do you admire?

This is such a hard question to answer simply! Too many to list! But, as of this moment:

Gabrielle Hamilton: love her food - simple, gutsy, delicious

Sara Jenkins: ditto from above - some of the best Italian I've had recently

Nick Anderer: if we lived in Manhattan, we'd go more often - superb pasta

Zak Pelaccio: I'm totally on the Fatty 'Cue wagon - some of the most addicting food I've ever eaten

These folks give a shit about their food! You taste it in every bite!

Do you have a tasty hole-in-the-wall you'd be willing to share?

Thai Son on Baxter for pho.

Whose pantry(ies) would you like to raid?

Families with lots of children because there's always fun snacks!

Where do you shop for kitchen supplies?

A Cook's Companion (Brooklyn)

Broadway Panhandler

JB Prince

Best tips for novice home cooks?

- Start with what you love to eat.

- Don't recipe hug! Improvise and relax!

- Learn to use salt!

What do you like to listen to while you cook?

Frank Sinatra


Nina Simone

Louis Prima


Favorite cookbooks/blogs/sites you get inspired by?


Canal House Cooking Cookbooks (all)

- All cookbooks by Naomi Duguid and Jeffrey Alford

- All cookbooks by Claudia Roden

In the Sweet Kitchen by Regan Daley

The River Cottage Meat Book by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Sites (I'm not much of blog/site reader)

* * *

Robynne's Apricot Tart

1 recipe pâte brisée (see below)

1 cup frangipane (see below)

1 lb apricots

½ cup apricot jam

2 tablespoons apricot or cherry brandy (optional)

¼ cup pistachios, toasted and coarsely crushed

1. Roll out pâte brisée and line tart pan. Dock with a fork and chill until firm.

2. Blind bake tart shell for 10-15 minutes at 375F. Cool.

3. Spread frangipane over tart shell.

4. Halve or quarter apricots and nestle in decorative pattern in frangipane.

5. Bake tart at 375F until crust and frangipane is golden brown (frangipane will puff up around fruit), about 35-40 minutes.

6. Heat apricot jam in a small saucepan and loosen with 1 tablespoon water. Bring to a simmer and stir for an even consistency. Take off heat and add brandy if using.

7. Brush apricot mixture over tart—being generous.

8. Sprinkle nuts on tart as a decorative border.

Pâte Brisée (Flaky Tart Pastry)

Yields: One 10- to 11-inch tart shell

1¼ cup all-purpose flour

½ teaspoon kosher salt

1 teaspoon granulated sugar

½ cup unsalted butter, cold and cut into small cubes

3-5 tablespoons ice water

1. Combine flour, salt, and sugar in a medium bowl. Cut butter into flour mixture until butter is the size of peas. Add water, starting with 3 tablespoons, and use the tips of your fingers to toss until dough holds together when squeezed. Add a little more water if necessary.

2. Form dough into a flat disk and wrap with plastic wrap. Chill at least two hours to rest. Dough may be stored in freezer up to 2 months.

Frangipane Filling (almond cream)

Yields: about 1 cup

7 oz almond paste (not marzipan)

3 tablespoons granulated sugar

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon almond extract

½ teaspoon kosher salt

2 oz unsalted butter, softened

2 large eggs

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

1. In a bowl of an electric mixer, beat almond paste, sugar, extracts, and salt on medium speed until uniform in texture.

2. Add butter in chunks, being sure to scrape down bowl between additions and maintain a cohesive mixture.

3. Add eggs in one at a time, scraping down bowl and beating well after each addition. Then finally, add flour.

Thanks for the beautiful recipe and peek into your pantry, Robynne!

*Photos by Christine Han Photography for Pantry Confidential. All photos on Pantry Confidential are original and copyrighted. Please credit and link back to our site when using our images, thank you.